Grey Seal Pupping Season Fundraiser

Grey Seal Pupping Season Fundraiser



  • About
The rescue of the first two Grey Seal Pups heralds the second pupping season of 2024 season, meaning we can now expect to get gradually busier from here on out! As we continue to prepare for the season ahead we anticipate a wave of new intakes which will each require around-the-clock care, and life-saving equipment. Last year we rescued 172 seals, a new record, with sudden spikes in rescue numbers driven by severe autumn storms. Our work can be unpredicatable and we must always strive to be fully prepared to ensure we can provide the best possible care for incoming seals. You can help!
All donations from this appeal will go directly to the necessary improvements, such as installing a new pool pump and purchasing a new fish fridge, as well as supporting the purchase of vital supplies such as feeding tubes, feeding syringes, fish, supplements and cleaning supplies! Every little helps!
Without the support and generosity of donors like you, our work would not be possible, thank you!